Lesson Plan: Peter Hohnstedt, “Untitled (Canyon Scene Near Austin)”

This lesson plan contains the National Learning Standards for Visual Arts and the Texas TEKS for Elementary, Middle, and High School art teachers. Students will study the Naturalistic painting methods used by Peter Hohnstedt in his painting Untitled (Canyon Scene Near Austin. The class create their own painting that features a Naturalistic style. Then, they will explain why they chose their selected landscape.

Tyler Museum of Art’s Newsletter: August 2023

If you read or download this newsletter, please leave a comment with your feedback. The newsletter can be downloaded in the link below. Exhibitions Impressed: Prints from the Permanent Collection Impressed: Prints from the Permanent Collection showcased selected prints from the Tyler Museum of Art’s Permanent Collection. The collection features different styles and methods foundContinue reading “Tyler Museum of Art’s Newsletter: August 2023”